Boomerang List Builder Update Video

Hello everyone,

As promised at the start of the year, I have a upgrade available for my Boomerang List Builder software. All of these features were requested by you, the software user. I’ve created a video showing you the 3 new features. You can view it below.

The upgrade is free to existing customers. New customers will also be pleased to hear that there is NO price increase for this update, so you can still get your hands on the software for only $47!

Click here to check out the Boomerang List Builder.

No time for the video?

Here is a quick overview of the new features:

– Option to disable “Powered By” link

– Option to add a support email address or helpdesk URL

– Option to use a “Master Unlock Code”

– New splash screen design for easier customer use

Posted In: Project Updates | 10 Comments

How To Save £30

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Yesterday I wasted £30 – around $60 for my readers across ‘t pond.

Here’s what happened.

As you know, I run D9 Hosting with my business partner. The way we handle phones calls is to use an 0845 local rate number, and then the message is delivered to us via email, we then listen to the message and call back the caller using our own D9 Hosting skype account.

Yesterday morning we got a call, so I proceeded to call the client.

To my horror there was no sound coming from my headset, so the caller could hear me, but I couldn’t hear them, so I had no option but to hang up!

I tried messing around with all of my volume and sound card settings but no matter what I tried I couldn’t get any volume through the headset.

So I headed off to Amazon and purchased a brand new headset for £30.

A couple of hours later I was about to throw out the old headphones, but as an after thought I decided to plug them into the lap-top just to double check they were broken. To my surprise they worked perfectly!!

So back to the main computer I went, but this time instead of plugging in the headphones via the USB adapter I used the jacks (is that the correct term?) and they worked – turns out it was a Windows update that did something that the USB adapter didn’t like.

So I’ve now got a new headset on the way, even though my old one’s work fine now.

So there you have a nice random blog post, now back to work 🙂

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I Just Found A Niche!

Well, I actually stumbled upon it, rather than finding it, but that’s a minor detail 😉

Welcome to this weeks newsletter, this week I was supposed to follow on from last weeks controversial “nofollow” post and I was going to show you how to remvoe the “nofollow” links from your blogs. However I found out that you can get all the info you need on that subject from the WordPress codex site (click here) so today I’m switching to something totally different.

I’m going to tell you a story of how I stumbled upon a stupidly profitable niche. (Pronounced as Neeeesh, Nitch, or if you are Bruce Lee….Neeee-Shaaaaaaa!)

The story begins with an email I received after I posted last weeks blog article about the nofollow links I mentioned earlier. A subscriber of mine replied to my email and asked if I’d like to work with him on a project. You can see the email below.

An Email From Aaron

Sorry for the size of the above pic but I’m restricted a bit with the blog theme! In short, he asked me to take a look at a new product he had created and if I could give him some advice on how to market it.

Before I go on, I’d better give “He” a name. His name is Aaron and he deals in….TATTOO’S!! The same things that teenagers love and parents hate 😉

Aaron sells a number of his own Tattoo based products including various tattoo art designs and eBooks. The product he pitched to me was a new “Ready To Go” Tattoo based website that acted as a promotional vehicle for his other Tattoo products.

The idea is for you to put up the website, drive traffic to the site and you then make 75% commission from the sales of his main product – a large collection of Tattoo based artwork, designs and all round tattoo goodness!

As with any promotion I do, I asked to see a copy of the product first, so I emailed Aaron back and he quickly sent me over a copy of the website for me to try out. So I went out and purchased a domain name, and uploaded the site. (Click here to see my “Tattoo Art Info” site!)

Now this in itself is nothing special, I’m sure you’ve all got the odd “Ready To Go” website either online or saved on your hard drive, so what makes this one so different?


Keyword Results

What you can see above is a brief overview of how profitable the Tattoo niche is, I used Keyword Elite to build a keyword list, then I ran it again to see how much competition there is for each keyword and how many results/searches there were for the keywords. Take a close look at the screenshot above, look at how many searches there are each month and then look at how little competition there is, it’s going to be a goldmine!!

Why have I blacked out the actual keywords?

Because in all honesty, I would rather keep them to myself as I plan on creating a number of niche websites based on Tattoos, and that keyword list shows me exactly which keywords to target. All I have to do is find a domain name that fits in with the keyword and then write a few articles and hey-presto, my site gets loads of traffic from Google.


Don’t worry, there is a way you can get your hands on my Keyword List, but I’m not giving it away to just anyone, you’ve got to promise me that you are actually going to put your website online, and you are going to make a real attempt to make it work. If you just intend to upload your website and then forget about it, please slowly step away from the page, this isn’t for you!

If you agree to the above terms, then you are ready for dominance in the Tattoo niche, here’s what to do next.

1. Download Aaron’s “Ready To Go” Tattoo website – (Click here)

2. Send me an email (Use the contact link at the top of the page) containing your receipt and I’ll reply with the Keyword Lists

3. Choose a Keyword from my list and purchase a domain name containing the keyword

4. Upload the website!

5. Write a couple of articles and make sure you put a link back to your new site in the bio box. When linking make sure the anchor text contains the keyword you are targeting

6. Submit a new article every couple of weeks and try to get some back-links from similar sites

It really is as easy as that! I’ve said this many times before, but it really is the best thing in the world when you manage to get on the first page of Google for a high traffic keyword!

That’s what makes this niche so powerful, there are keywords and phrases that get thousands and thousands of searches each month, yet in a couple of cases there are less than 200,000 pages on Google for that search term. Any of you that have ever searched for a niche know how difficult it is to find a market like this, so are you going to sit back and think about what could have been, or are you going to be one of the few that takes action and sees results?

I’ve given you everything you need to succeed in this niche – see the points a couple of paragraphs up. Please, please do use this information to your advantage, I can’t stress how powerful the Tattoo website and my keyword list is. In a way I’m stupid for giving it away but I made a promise to Aaron that I’d help him out and I do keep my word!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything!

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Remember that if you have a D9 Hosting account you can host unlimited domains on the 1 account, so all you need is a domain name for the Tattoo website. (Saves you buying a separate hosting account for it!)

P.P.S. I’ve just noticed this blog is 2 years old, time flys! I wonder how many of you have been readers since the very first post back in 2006?

Posted In: General Chat | 9 Comments

Why Adding Blog Comments Does Nothing For SEO

Why Adding Blog Comments Does Nothing For SEO

Hello readers, this week I have a double whammy (My spell checker doesn’t like the word but i’m leaving it in!) of articles for you. The first article that you are reading now is about dispelling a myth that leaving comments on WordPress blogs is a good way to get a back-link to your website.

The second article, that you can find underneath this one is about a nasty run in I’ve had with 1&1 Internet and a debt collection agency.

But like all chronological things, we will start at the beginning with the WordPress/SEO article.

I’m sure you have already heard this saying many times but I’ll post it again:

“Get As Many Back-links To Your Site To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking”

The above statement is 100% correct, BUT what isn’t correct is when people advise you that the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to get good quality back-links is by posting comments on blogs and entering your website URL. Here’s an example of a comment with a “back-link” made by one of my readers, Omar Martin.

A Nice comment

So you’d think that when the Google Bot visited my blog and looked at the comments, the Bot would follow Omar’s link out of the blog and back onto his site. Normally this would be the case, but not with a WordPress blog!

By default, WordPress adds a “nofollow” attribute to the URL’s you enter in your comments. This means that when the search engine bots see your links, they make a wide birth and totally ignore them. Don’t believe me, go look at the source code of a WordPress blog, and you’ll see the “nofollow” attribute, this is an example, again from Omars comment:

Follow me not

So the next time you see somebody saying that adding comments to a WordPress blog is an easy way to get a back-link, give them a slap round the face and send them to this post. Well, maybe don’t do the slap bit, but do feel free to send them to this page.

Despite all of this technical mumbo-jumbo, branding your name with your website link is still a great “Old Fashioned” way to get your website noticed. I don’t know about you, but whenever I read an interesting comment on a blog, more times than not I’ll click on that persons link and check out their site!

Thanks for reading this post, feel free as always to leave a comment – You won’t get a back-link but you will get a nice warm feeling inside! (Allegedly)


P.S. Next week – How to take off the nofollow attribute!

Posted In: General Chat | 22 Comments

Why 1 & 1 Internet Suck

Yes….I’ve turned American, I said suck 🙂

As I’m sure long time readers of the blog know, it takes a lot to get me “wound up” but something happened yesterday that got my blood boiling, and from the title of this blog post you can probably guess which company I had the misfortune of dealing with.

Here’s the story:

A couple of years ago I created a website for one of my relatives, I registered the domain name for the website over at 1&1, I created a new account for my relative so she could manage the domain.

Back at the start of the year I did an internal domain transfer and moved the domain name from her 1&1 package to my own, so her package now contained no domains.

All well and good, but then my relative received this through the post:

Avrato Finance And 1&1

It was a letter from a debt collection agency called Arvato Finance acting on behalf of 1&1, they demanding the huge sum of £4.68 for a domain name that they claimed had not been paid for. The domain HAD been paid for, but it had been paid for through my own 1&1 account (where the domain now “lives”), yet they still demanded paying for the domain.

I logged into my aunts account and there was no domain name listed in the package, so why were we being charged twice for the same domain?

Mr T don't like 1&1

A phone call to both 1&1 and Arvato was about as helpful as BA on a long haul flight with both passing us back and forth between each other. After a search on google for “1&1 Arvato Finance” it seems to be a common practice for 1&1 to charge customers for domains they no longer have with the company.

In the end we decided to just pay the bill, for under £10 it really wasn’t worth the hassle.

But let this be a lesson to all of you, think twice before you purchase your domain name with 1&1!

You can read my 1and1 Review by clicking here.

Update; March 2011

It’s been the best part of 3 years since I originally created this post, but a reader has just left a very useful comment that shows you exactly how to word your reply to Arvato Finance if you don’t think you owe 1and1 any money. Full credit for the letter below goes to James Kahm.

Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 13:25:10 +0000Dear AFS

You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by myself/ourselves.

I would point out that I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to (1 and 1 internet ).

I am are familiar with the Office of Fair Trading debt collection Guidance which states that it unfair to send demands for payment to an individual when it is uncertain that they are the debtor in question.

I/we would also point out that the OFT say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable. In not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods.

Furthermore ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical/psychological harassment.

I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above account unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question.

I await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed. Otherwise I will have no option but to make a complaint to the trading standards department and consider informing the OFT of your actions.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully

Posted In: General Chat | 20 Comments

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