A Boomerang List Builder Idea

September 3, 2009 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

I actually sent this post as an email to my Boomerang List Builder customers, but thought it may give the rest of you some ideas so I’ll stick it on the blog as well!

To start off with, this idea requires you to already have a mailing list. So if you own the Boomerang List Builder you should fit that criteria. If you don’t fit that criteria then do check out the Boomerang List Builder.

But as I said, if you already own the Boomerang List Builder you should already have built a substantial mailing list, so what do you do next?

You can either be content with the list you’ve built, and carry on doing what you’ve been doing, or you can use your mailing list as leverage to broker new deals that would dramatically increase the size of your list, and as such the income from it.

You can do this by using a technique called “Adswapping”.

If you have a spare 30 minutes or so, download the following guide and have a read through. It will certainly open your eyes to a number of new possibilities that are out there:


At the time of writing it’s free in exchange for an opt-in, but as you already know (I’m not going to insult your intelligence) this message is sent out in an auto-responder sequence and things do change, so if you have any problems let me know.

Dan Thompson

Why Sell Something, When You Can Give It Away FREE?

June 25, 2009 by · 52 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

A warm welcome from the Yorkshire dales, I believe the technical word for this weather we are experiencing today is “Summer”, it’s making me feel the need to go outdoors but I’ll resist the temptation whilst I write this blog post.

In todays post I’m going to look back at the events of the past few weeks, as it’s given me some food for thought, and I’m in two minds about what to do, so I’d appreciate it if you could have a read through what I’m about to write and give me your opinions.

It all started a few weeks ago when Socrates Socratous asked me if I’d consider giving away a copy of my Boomerang List Builder software to all people that signed up to his Resale Rights Fortune pre-launch list, so without much hesitation I agreed.

Why Did I Agree To It?

Quite simply because I knew the launch would be huge, and if I had a “soft opt-in” in place, I would get a ton of new subscribers – and I did!

Take a look at the new size of my mailing list:

Aweber Numbers

And I would like to point out that this is probably one of the only times I’ll ever show you a screen shot of my mailing list numbers, so make the most of it!

And I’m not posting the numbers in a “my penis is bigger than yours” “my Dad is better than your Dad” sort of way, I’m just showing you what I gained from giving it away for free – a ton of new mailing list subscribers.

So fast forward a couple of weeks to the end of the launch, and I’m still getting a few new subscribers each day from Resale Rights Fortune.

So here’s the dilemma, what would happen if I got rid of the $47 Boomerang List Builder price tag, and gave it away for free ALL THE TIME?

If I gave it away for free, I’d be losing upwards of $10,000 each year in sales, but I’d be building my mailing list like there’s no tomorrow, and I could implement a OTO type system so there would still be the potential there to make money from OTO sales, and it would still let affiliates earn commissions for promoting.

I know as a customer you will be leaning towards the “Free” option – and I don’t blame you! But put yourself in my shoes, what would you go for?

Would you keep everything as it is and charge $47 to anyone who wishes to purchase a copy of the software, and have a steady trickle of sales every month?

Or would you give away the software for free in return for an email address, so you’d lose out on the income from sales, but you’d be building a huge mailing list that would potentially be a much bigger earner in the years to come?

And I’ve just had a brainwave…WE SHALL HAVE A POLL!

Possibly the first ever poll on the El Passo Blog, what a joyous occasion – so go ahead and vote in the poll, then tell me what you think in the comments section below!

Welll….we were going to have a poll until the plugin decided to stop working, so we’ll have to make do with just leaving your thoughts in the comments section instead, sorry about that, I was really excited about the 1st El Passo Blog poll as well 🙁

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
