

This page is for you to leave a testimonial or comment about any of our services that you have used in the past.

These also include the PlanetSMS websites created in conjunction with Steve @ Divinity Design. Steve creates all of the graphics for the Planet SMS websites, if you would like ANY graphic work doing don’t hesitate to contact me and I will send you his details – I am sure you will love his work!

Incidently, if you would like your own e-Book website and have yet to take advantage of the PlanetSMS special for El Passo customers then you can do so below:

30% Discount on the PlanetSMS e-Book Program!

If you would like to leave a comment on our services please do so below – it’s also a great way to plug your websites!


P.S. If would be greatful if you could also take the time to sign up to my newsletter whilst you are here. There is a link on the right of the page!

Posted In: Testimonials | 113 Comments

My PLR 2007 Software Project – Update

My PLR Software Project – Update

Hello everyone, welcome to another newsletter. This week I am going to give you an update on my new 2007 PLR project. You will remember that I wrote an article about this a few weeks ago, if you missed it then you can scroll down the page and it should still be there!

To go over it briefly I described how I was planning to make money using private label software products, I went over how I planned to re-brand and promote the products.

Since I wrote the article things having being moving along nicely and I have had a few new ideas to throw into the mix as well! In this weeks newsletter I’m going to look at these new ideas and how you could implement them into your own business.

With the rather long introduction out of the way let’s get on with it.

You will remember one of the main things I talked about in my last update was re-branding the software with a new name and new software box. I have decided not to re-brand every piece of software (that’s over 20 titles!) mainly because of time and cost constraints. So I have chosen 8 of my favourite software titles from the software gold club (the place that provides me with the PLR software!) and set about re-branding them, hopefully all of the boxes will be ready by this time next week. Here’s a sneak peak of one of the boxes, does anyone else think it looks like a solider humping the lock ness monster? 😉

Once the software has been re-branded I am going to sell all of the software titles from one central site, I have now bought a domain for the site – www.elpassosoftware.com

The El Passo Software site will be a spin off from my El Passo Books site. The El Passo Books site gets around 300 visitors per day so I am going to use the El Passo Books site to drive traffic to my new Software site. I will also be using this blog to link to the software sites, so hopefully I will be able to use the existing traffic from my Blog and Passo Books site to drive visitors to the software site.

One of my new ideas is to give away free software – yes FREE software! Not only will the software be free but it will also come with resell/giveaway rights. The software that I give away for free will promote my software site, as well as the software gold club affiliate program.

However, I won’t just be giving out download links. To receive the free software, visitors will have to give me their email address and will then receive a special offer on a “mega software package” that I have been hiding away! It’s the same principal as my free “Making of Auction SOS” e-Book.

Give away something free and use that free item to drive traffic to your website where you are selling high ticket items. As I said earlier this is a dead simple concept that any of you can use. I am using private label software as a viral tool to promote the “premium” software that will be sold on my new website.

You don’t have to use private label software, there are literally thousands of resources out there for you to use, just do a search on google for private label and you will see what I mean!

That’s all for now, I hope you found some of the information useful. As always feel free to ask any questions or leave a comment! Also if you have anything that you would like me to write a newsletter on do let me know, I’m always on the lookout for new subjects.


Posted In: Project Updates | 1 Comment

Email isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!

Email isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!

Ahhh, email, email, email. The communication method that has revolutionised the way we communicate with one another. No longer does modern man need to spend a fortune on long distant phone calls or faxes, we can now use email – the best thing since sliced bread…right?

NO! In this weeks article I am going to be going on a mini rant but hopefully there will be some useful nuggets of information in there as well 😉

It all started earlier this week when someone filed a paypal claim against me saying they hadn’t received their digital item, I sent the download link manually a couple of times but still they claimed non-receipt. So far no great worries, paypal will rule in my favour because their protection policy doesn’t cover digital items.

The next day another of my email accounts starts to play up, this was a 1&1 hosted email account. The account was very important because it receives all of the new website orders that I have to do, I won’t bore you with all of the details but for the past 3 days emails have been coming in either:

– In the wrong order
– Around 4 hours after the time they were sent
– Not getting here at all

All of this has caused me a massive backlog on orders, so instead of doing the sites when received I’ve had to wait for the emails to catch up until all of the information has come through. Causing everything to take twice as long as normal hence the reason I am going on a mini-rant instead of writing a “real” newsletter.

Like all of my daft stories there is a moral behind it – DON’T ALWAYS TRUST EMAIL!!

Despite what people may tell you, don’t be fooled by the “Email is 100% reliable” rubbish that some people will tell you, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Have a quick think to yourself about how many times an important email of yours has been delivered to your trash can or Spam folder; I bet you can think of at least one occasion. This is becoming more and more common and there is nothing we can do about it, we can bitch and moan about Spam filters but at the end of the day they are here to stay.

We all know that Spam filters work really well don’t we, I mean I can’t remember the last time I was offered Viagra or pills that will boost my manhood **sarcasm**

You need to take into account these arising problems with your online business, don’t relay on just email communication. Give your customers multiple ways to contact you, relaying solely on email could mean you missing out on potential sales.

Maybe offer phone support, skype details or even Instant Messenger options, give your customers more than one point of contact.

The same goes for selling digital items, don’t relay on a delivery script that only sends out your download links via email, the vast majority will go to your customers Spam folder. Use a script or method that allows you to use download pages in conjunction with email links, cover yourself on all fronts – DON’T RELAY SOLEY ON EMAIL!!!

Rant mode off, if you made it this far thank you!

Hopefully the email problems will sort themselves out before it comes to writing my next newsletter, then maybe I will have time to write you a more “on topic” article.

Thanks for reading my rant, as always if you have any comments on what I have to say do leave a comment and I will do my best to reply – email permitting 😉

Thanks for reading,

Posted In: General Chat | 12 Comments

My PLR 2007 Project!

My PLR 2007 Project!

Hello everyone and welcome to my first newsletter of 2007. I hope you all enjoyed the festive period and didn’t eat/drink too much! For some of you this could be the first time you have come across my newsletter so I’ll give you a very quick run through of how it all works.

I usually send out a newsletter every couple of weeks; I cover a lot of subjects including ebay, e-books, software creation, web design, script reviews and general Internet marketing subjects. I also accept requests from readers, so if you have a subject that you would like me to cover please get in touch with me, there is a link at the top right of the page. You can also view my archived newsletters by using the links on the right of the page.

So with the introductions out of the way, let’s get started with my first newsletter of 2007 🙂

In this edition I am going to layout my plans for PLR profits in 2007. PLR as you will probably already know stands for “Private Label Rights” and stripped down to the bear bones, it means you can take a product/e-book and package it up and sell it as your own work.

You will find PLR packages and public domain material all over the Internet, all waiting for you to come along and transform it into a new e-book or product. The current trend seems to go something like this, I’m sure this will sound familiar:

“Create an e-book with resale rights from PLR material to promote your own high end products”

I don’t have a problem with the above statement, it is 100% true and I know that the method works. I have been using it for the past two years!

However, lets break it down into two sections, section one looks like this:

“Create an e-book with resale rights from PLR material”

All sounds good so far doesn’t it? As I said earlier PLR packages are widely available on the Internet, you can get quality PLR articles for as little as $50 with instant delivery. So within a couple of hours you could have already put together a mini-report or e-book from your PLR material – so far so good, but let’s move onto the second part of the statement:

“to promote your own high end products”

This is where things get a little bit more complicated. How many of us don’t actually have a high end product of our own to promote? Without a high end product to promote in the PLR report you have just created, the method is flawed. Sure you may sell a few of your reports on eBay for $2 but this isn’t going to pay your monthly bills, you could try and use your PLR report to sell someone else’s product as an affiliate but that means sharing the sale with someone else – having your own high end product is vital.

The problem with high end products is that they usually cost an arm and a leg to create. E-Books are not too bad if you are fortunate enough to be knowledgeable about an interesting subject, you could write a 70-page e-book revealing all of your “secrets” and get away with putting a $47, maybe even a $97 price tag on it, but software is a different matter.

I know first hand how costly it can be to create a high-end software product; I tried it myself last year with my Auction SOS! Software. It took months of planning, developing and testing before it was ready for public release, not to mention the cost of the graphics and sales page design. By the time you have finished you are looking at well over $1000 before you can even start to sell the software, even with that cost I used the tried and tested method above (e-book with resale rights to generate sales of the high end item) and I quickly turned over a profit.

Just a side note, if you want to take a look at the viral e-book I used to promote the high-end software you can download it for free at the location below:


But as I mentioned before, the initial cost of creating the high end product can be a massive turn off. This is where my 2007 idea comes into it’s own!

Over the Christmas period I spent quite a lot of time researching not PLR reports or e-books but PLR Software. For me PLR Software would solve the problem a lot of us have with creating high end products to sell from our PLR e-Books. PLR Software means that you can take software titles and totally re-brand them into your own software.

After a lot of researching I came across the Software Gold Club, they give you a brand new PLR software product and e-Book each month. That means that they give you both the PLR e-Book and the high priced backend item as well!

You can see an example below, please download the free e-Book and checkout the contents. Notice how it is promoting a high end product; the product is actually one of the PLR Software titles that I am now able to sell.

Download the “Boost Your Traffic” e-Book

I only joined the club a few days ago so there is still a lot for me to discover, but my “battle plan” so far is this:

1. Re-brand the PLR software and turn it into my own product range. This will include renaming the software and creating new graphics and sales pages.

2. Create a website that will sell all of my PLR software products; with a new PLR software product added each month.

3. Use the PLR e-Books provided by the software club to promote the site and the software. I will sell these e-Books on eBay and give them to my mailing list – if you ask nicely!

4. Promote the software club affiliate program via the new website and the PLR reports. They offer monthly recurring commissions so hopefully that will bring in some residual income.

So far I am still on stage 1, but I have high hopes for this project. I have always wanted to have my own software range so I really couldn’t resist giving this a try. I will of course keep you posted on my progress and let you know how everything is going.

Hopefully this weeks newsletter will have got you thinking about your own back end products. I would love to hear any comments that you have on this project, do you think it will work, what could I do differently?

I always love to hear your questions and suggestions (that rhymes….) so feel free to leave a comment, I DO read all of them.


Posted In: Project Updates | 3 Comments

Ebay at Christmas – Be careful!

Ebay at Christmas – Be careful!

Hi everyone, thanks for taking an interest in this weeks article. As we are approaching Christmas I thought it would be a good idea to identify a few possible eBay scams that you should be on the lookout for and why it may not be a good idea to do your Christmas shop on ebay.

Let’s start off with potential scams. The two that instantly spring to mind are the two new videogame consoles:

– Nintendo Wii
– Playstation 3

The Nintendo Wii

The Nintendo Wii is released in the UK tomorrow (8th December) and it’s sold out just about everywhere. To confirm this I phoned my local games shop this morning and they told me:

“We do have some in stock but they have all been pre-ordered by customers. I think you will find it very difficult to find any in stock now”

I am sure that you can already see the possible scam emerging here, an item with limited availability will almost always command a huge price on eBay – especially as the Wii is this years “must have” Christmas present. A quick search on ebay.co.uk shows the average price of a Wii console is around £300; that’s £180 more than the standard retail price, meaning a £180 profit for the seller on each console.

Ebay UK Wii prices

Ebay US Wii Prices

Although there are a lot of genuine sellers on there you should be cautious about buying from eBay. As the console isn’t released until tomorrow people are selling consoles that they don’t even own yet. They are banking on getting one on the release day and this is by no means a certainty for them. Before you buy a Wii on eBay it may be a good idea to get the seller to post a picture of the actual console they are selling, maybe get them to include a little note on a postcard in the pic so you can make sure it is genuine.

The Playstation 3

Another scam to watch out for is the Playstation 3 eBay scam. The Playstation 3 isn’t released in the UK until March 2007 but this hasn’t stopped people selling Japanese PS3 consoles on eBay.

Ebay have tried to put a stop to this by banning all PS3 sales before March 2007, however this hasn’t stopped the eBay sellers listing them for almost double their retail value:

Ebay UK PS3 Prices

Ebay US PS3 Prices

Remember that no matter how tempting it may seem to buy “little Jonny” a PS3 for Christmas, the consoles ARE NOT region free. Which means that if “little Jonny”gets a japanese PS3 from eBay, he won’t be able to play PAL UK games on the console!

So remember, always do your research on the seller BEFORE making a big purchase on eBay. Check their feedback and ask for proof that they actually have the item that they are selling in their possession.

Ebay for Christmas?

Finally I will be having a quick look at why it might not be a good idea to buy your Christmas presents from eBay.

Buying presents from eBay is not nearly as reliable as buying from your local store, or even Amazon. You have no guarantee that the presents you ordered will show up in time for the big day, so if you are planning on having a big Christmas shop make sure that you order in good time to guarantee delivery of your item.

Have a very happy holiday season!

Thanks for reading my Christmas newsletter. This will be my last newsletter before the big day so I would like to thank all of you for reading this, and my other newsletters throughout 2006. Please have a very happy holiday season and a prosperous 2007!

Merry Christmas,




P.S. Comments as always are more than welcome 🙂

Posted In: eBay Information | 6 Comments

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