The Most Outstanding Product of 2007 So Far??

Which product or marketing method has made the biggest impact so far in 2007?

Whilst I was out on my bank holiday bike ride I started thinking about all of the new products, courses, marketing methods, buzz words, etc. that have crept up on us all throughout 2007.

So I actually started to list, in my mind, all of the new “buzz” products and methods that have been released to us, I then decided to take a closer look and see which item/method I thought has made the biggest impact so far in 2007.

What I found was most of these products and methods would be huge for the initial launch period, everyone would be talking about them, but eventually the buzz would die down and that would be the last you ever heard of them. After a lot of head scratching I could only think of two products that survived the initial “buzz” period and are still being used and talked about to this day.

One of the products I was thinking about was the $7 script by Jonathan Ledger and the other product was Niche Marketing On Crack (NMOC) by Andrew Hansen.

Not only did these two products survive the initial buzz period, they have both spawned new products that have been created around them!

You just have to take a look at the $7 website templates that keep popping up. Kevin Riley loved the script so much he created a $7 script installation guide, his new Instant Money Factories product also utilizes the $7 script, all of these products would never have seen the light of day if it weren’t for the original $7 script.

The same goes for NMOC, the initial e-book has spawned a new piece of software from Jonathan that allows you to create your very own NMOC blogs instantly, saving hours of manual set up time.

What I loved so much about both of these products is the way they took an existing method that was already being used, and took it to a whole new level, bringing it to the masses. 100% commissions had been around long before the $7 script arrived, but how many of you actually used the method before you got your hands on the script? Again, the same can be said for NMOC, the basic idea of promoting niche products through article marketing has been around for a long time, but Andrew managed to add his own twist to the method and he made it all the more profitable!

I am a firm believer in not trying to re-invent the wheel, if you find something that works, stick to it and try to tweak it to make it better, why try and re-invent the wheel when the wheel you are using works perfectly, and would be even better if you added a little bit of oil 😉

Sorry, I promised myself there would be no biking analogies in the article, I promise you that will be my last one!

The true test of a product is the longevity, or in other words will it still be here this time next year?

Nobody can see into the future but the two products have a very good chance. I have heard a lot of people calling the $7 script a fad but I don’t subscribe to that idea. People always love getting good value for money and you certainly get that with the $7 reports.

NMOC might be slightly more uncertain as there are more variables that could possibly effect the success of the method, such as the way google looks at article sites for back links, the saturated market and so on but I still think that, with a few tweaks along the way this “Bum Marketing” method could go from strength to strength.

All in all I think that my vote for the product of the year so far (and who knows what the future will bring) is going to go to the $7 script for all the points mentioned above, plus it shows new marketers that it really is possible to make money on the Internet. I know of one subscriber that had previously had very little success online, he produced a $7 report and within a week he had hundreds of dollars in his back pocket and it inspired him to keep going onto bigger and better things!

So that’s my reasoning behind the decision, I would love to hear what you guys and girls think, what has been your standout product of 2007 so far and why?

Posted In: General Chat | 4 Comments

Top Secret 2007 Project Update – Part 2

Hello everyone,

The more observant amongst you will probably remember this post I made a
few weeks ago:

Well I’m happy to say that everything is progressing very well so far. I did some small time testing on the method I am using in this top secret project earlier this week and it resulted in 153 brand new, highly targeted mailing list members and because of how the system works, that number is now growing on auto-pilot each and every day.

I know pretty much everything you see these day’s claims to run on auto-pilot but I can assure you that this method actually does! I have already shown the
system to a very small group of people and they are getting very excited as well!

The great thing about this project is that you are not going to be going out of your
way to implement this into your existing business model. My system takes what
most of you already do (judging by the poll results in my first post) and simply
expands upon this to make it much more profitable.

I can’t give away too much information at this point as I am still very much in
the testing stages of the project, but here’s a very sneaky screenshot that
should wet your apetite!

Top Secret Project

I’ll keep you posted.


Posted In: Project Updates | 2 Comments

Do Your Research!

Research Is The Key!

You have an awesome sales page and a world class product but that doesn’t mean squat if you haven’t done your research before hand.

In this weeks newsletter I am going to show you, from my own experiences how doing your research properly can mean the difference between $100 per month and $1000 per month!

Take a look at the two screen shot’s below, they are my own screens taken from two different affiliate programs that I promote. One of the products I took my time and researched, the other product was one that I threw together without doing the research – can you guess which is which? (Both show earnings for a 1 month period)

$100 Screenshot

$1000 Screenshot

As you can see from the shots above, I wasn’t joking when I said research can make the difference between $100 and $1000 per month! I can’t stress enough how important it is to do some proper research before creating a new product, or website. The same goes for an affiliate program, there is no point promoting a product as an affiliate if nobody is looking to buy!

So with that out of the way, I am going to show you exactly how I do my research before I start a new project.

1. Get some feedback

Before you create a new website/product get some feedback first. Just because you think you have the next big thing it doesn’t mean other people will agree with you. The way I do this is by putting out some “feelers”. You can see an example by clicking here, this was one of my newsletters a few weeks ago. You will notice that I included a poll giving people a vague idea about the product and then I asked them to vote.

Another easy way is to post a brief description of your idea in some relevant forums (without spamming!) or by sending questions to your mailing list or existing website visitors.

2. Look at the competition

Chances are that you will have some competition already out there selling a similar product/service. What I always do is take a look at the competitions Alexa rank and see how much traffic they are getting, very low traffic means that there may not be a huge demand for the product, a good traffic ranking probably means you are onto something worthwhile!

3. Keyword Research

This is my personal favourite, before I even consider creating the site/product I like to see if there is any chance of me getting some search engine traffic. I think of a related keyword for my product/service that I will be promoting and then run it through Keyword Elite:

Keyword Elite

If you haven’t yet invested in Keyword Elite then you can use the free Keyword Suggestion Tool from the SEO Book to get a basic idea of how many searches that word/phrase will get each month:

A lot of searches and low competition means you are onto a winner, no searches and lots of competition means……try another keyword or move onto something else!

Taking those three simple steps BEFORE you start creating your product/website can mean the difference between success and failure.

I’m sure a lot of you have loads of other research methods that you use before starting a new project, if you do then please feel free to leave a comment and share them with us 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Posted In: General Chat | 1 Comment

Do You Have A Contingency Plan?

Greetings readers, I hope you have had a nice Easter Break. Mine was perfect until I decided to watch England Vs Australia in the cricket. England might have a decent chance of winning the world cup if half the team weren’t scared of hitting a cricket ball!

But enough about cricket, I would like to welcome the new readers to this weeks newsletter. Most weeks I will publish a free newsletter on my blog on a number of different subjects, you can view my archived newsletters and navigate the site via the links on the right of the page.

This week I am going to look at an important part of any online or offline business – a contingency plan!

Put simply, have you got measures in place for when something goes wrong?

The reason for me writing about this subject is due to something that happened to me just before the Easter break. I woke up one morning to discover that I had no broadband connection, so I couldn’t check my emails, access websites and respond to customer queries.

After a chat with my ISP they assured me that my line was fine and it wasn’t a problem at their end either. After a lot of searching around I found out that the problem was actually my router, so off to the local store I went. £70 and one new router later I was back online, however all of the searching around for the problem had cost me two days of working time, not to mention the backlog of emails.

So that was 2 days without an Internet connection, what could I have done to avoid this?

The answer was staring at me in the face; I should have had a contingency plan in place! In this case my contingency plan would be to have a dial up connection to fall back on if my broadband decided to kick up a fuss again. So the very first thing I did when I was back online was find a dial up solution.

I found this emergency dial up number that you can use (UK only) but I’m sure if you look on Google you will be able to find your countries equivalent service – if you can’t find one maybe there is a gap in the market 😉 (not an affiliate link!)

Having a dial up connection in place before my Broadband crash would have meant I could still answer emails and customer queries, all be it a bit slower than before but they would still be answered and I wouldn’t have faced the back log that I did.

So contingency plan 1:

Always have a dial up connection to fall back on if your Broadband fails. (and never buy a Belkin router, they break way too easily!)

Number 2 isn’t something that has happened to me yet, touch wood but I’m sure you will all be aware of a massive problem that could cause you no end of headaches.

What would you do if your hard drive crashed and you lost all of your data? Every website you ever created, every e-book you ever downloaded, every letter you ever composed; every picture you saved would be gone for good.

This may sound a little bit far fetched, but trust me it isn’t. A hard drive can go at any time, what’s to say you won’t get a computer virus tomorrow and have to reformat everything?

I can’t stress how important it is to have a contingency plan in place for this, you need to make sure that you make backs of all your important data on a regular basis. There are loads of ways to back up:

– Copy all files to an external drive
– Copy files to a DVD/CD
– Upload important files to your server
– Use an automated online back up system

I personally use an automated online back up system, every time I create or change a file/folder the software automatically makes an off site backup for me. I use: (again, it’s not an affiliate link)

So contingency Plan 2:

Always back up your important files and folders, you never know when you hard drive will decide to call it a day 🙂

Those are the two main points that I wanted to make today, there are other contingency plans that you also need to consider but I felt that those were the two main one’s for now.

Others to consider would be:

– A back up hosting account if your current host goes belly up

– Details of all your business accounts, paypal passwords if something were to happen to you. Hey, I know it’s morbid but it’s something you need to consider, if something were to happen to you then you need a plan in place that would give your loved one’s the information they need.

That’s it for this week’s newsletter, I normally end by asking you to leave me any comments you may have on the article, but this week I will be ending on a rather sombre note.

A long time marketer by the name of Gary Halbert has sadly passed away. I was a long time subscriber to Gary’s newsletter as I’m sure a lot of you were as well. I’m sure you will join me in sending out our thoughts and prayers to Gary’s family.

Thanks for reading,


Posted In: General Chat | 3 Comments

2007 Free Easter JV Giveaway is Live

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This year promises to be bigger and better than last time with
thousands of free products to be downloaded, the doors have just
opened and will close again at the end of April so you will need
to be quick.

My advice would be to set up a new email account with either hotmail
or gmail and then download as many gifts as you can throughout the

The site will be incredibly busy for the next few days so you may
need to copy/paste the link into your browsers address bar if it
doesn’t load first time.

Also, one quick tip from me. Last year I downloaded so much software
that I lost most of it on my PC, make sure you keep each item that
you download in it’s own individual folder so you don’t lose it!

Everything is 100% free of charge so you have nothing to lose.

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