John Thornhill’s Marketing Masterclass Re-Launches In 6 Days

January 20, 2010 by · Comments Off on John Thornhill’s Marketing Masterclass Re-Launches In 6 Days
Filed under: General Chat 

Hello, greetings, welcome to another blog post. I’m sure you are already “in the loop” about these things, but if not, here’s what I have to report.

John Thornhill is launching his 2010 Masterclass Coaching program in 6 days time (26th January), and if you cast your mind back to last years launch, you know it’s going to be huge.

You’ll also remember how I told you that John’s coaching would be the only coaching course I would EVER promote, and that still is the case. John got me started in Internet Marketing business back in 2005, and we’ve worked closely ever since, so I know he’s the real deal, and I know that having him as your mentor/coach/friend is a chance not to be missed.

So you have forewarning, I shall be promoting the product pretty hard, but I make no apologies for it. I’ve seen the results that the course produces, and I know it works.

But here’s where it gets interesting, I’m not going to be doing the usual promoting methods, rather than sending out standard “hype” emails, I’m also going to use my experience of the course to provide you with the information you need. I’m not just an affiliate promoting the product for a commission, I actually have first hand experience of the course!

To start off with, have a read through the following site: (It’s not an affiliate link, but a link to a mini-site I’ve created)

John Thornhill’s Marketing Masterclass

The site has been put together by me, and on the site I’m going to answer any questions you may have regarding the program, and I’m also giving you a lot of background information that you can use to make a decision before making any purchases.

It would also be very rude of me not to mention the free report that’s currently on offer over at the official Marketing Masterclass website. The report is titled “Why You Will Never Succeed Online”, and it’s been written by John as part of the pre-launch. It’s a good read, if a little different, but you can check it out here:

That’s all for now, I’ll have more info in the coming days, but if you do have any questions about the coaching please feel free to leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer for you.


How I Made $580 Last Month By Doing Nothing

January 6, 2010 by · 15 Comments
Filed under: How To Guides 

The subject for this blog post sounds like one of those delightful spam emails we all receive doesn’t it?

But luckily for you I haven’t changed career paths to become one of the Norths leading Viagra suppliers to hill farmers, they’ll have to wait for their little blue pills, because I’ve found something far more lucrative.


Over the past month (6th Dec – 6th Jan), I’ve made $580 in affiliate commissions from a single product, just by sitting on my backside twiddling my thumbs. I’ve genuinely not done a single thing in the past month to promote the product, no emails, no blog posts, no articles – nothing!

I’ve made these commissions using something I like to call “The Leech Method”. Although to be honest I have a feeling the method may not actually be mine, and I read about it somewhere, so if you are reading this and you are the creator of the “Leech Method”, good for you, it works!

Before I go on, here are the commissions for the “Multi Profit Websites” product for the 1 month period:

I’ve highlighted 2 rebills which came from my initial promo back in November, so I’ve taken them off the total, bringing the total commissions for the month down to around $580.

And here’s how I did it….

It all started back on October 13th with the following blog post:

Multi Profit Websites was due to launch on October 27th, so I created a blog post showing a demo site that I had created using the software and gave an overview of the product. I then emailed you guys to show you it, so I gathered some interest that way, but, and I’ll be honest and say this was the main reason for the post. I knew there was no competition on Google for the phrase “Multi Profit Websites”, so a well written blog post would get me onto the first page in just a few hours. (And it did)

Fast forward to the 21st October, 6 days before the launch of Multi Profit Websites, and I wrote the following post:

It was posted for the same reason as my 1st post, to gather interest in the product, but also to get another link on the 1st page of Google.

That’s the only promotion I did on my blog, so I managed to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, I got you guys interested in the product, and I also got 2 pages on the 1st page of Google. But I wasn’t finished.

You’ll remember in the 1st blog post, I showed a demo site that I’d created using Multi Profit Websites. The site was hosted on the main domain:

I wasn’t the only person who could have taken advantage of this, loads of people had demo sites up on the domain, but very few chose to utilize this.

I knew that if I got a couple of back links to that site, I’d automatically get the number 2 spot on Google, directly under the official site.

So I wrote an article, submitted it to ezinearticles and hey presto:

Finally, I created a quick mini site using the domain

On the mini site I wrote about the product, showed off my demo site, added some related videos and….well, take a look!

So all of these different sites were on the front page of Google at one point. I’ve just taken a quick look and I still occupy the following positions on Google for the search term “Multi profit Websites”:


That’s great, but how do these sites keep making me a commission whilst I plan my move into the Viagra niche?

Multi Profit Websites is a very popular product, and loads of affiliates promote it. So each time an affiliate promotes MPW, they make the product known to a new buyer. A lot of these buyers will research a product before buying, and what do they use to research? GOOGLE!

All I’m doing is leeching off the other affiliates work, I let them do the leg work, and I close the deal by providing the content that the potential buyer is looking for.

And that final point is very important. MPW is a great product, so it’s very easy for me to write about, I have tons of experience using it, so I can put my view across very well on the product. What you shouldn’t do is pick any old product, and simply rewrite the sales page, or fill the pages with any old crap.

Give the potential buyer the information they are looking for. If you are finding it hard to enthuse about the product, then there’s a good chance the product is actually pretty crap, and you don’t really want to have anything to do with a bad product….and as I write this it’s snowing cats and badgers, so I’d best sign off before the power goes!

So that’s everything covered – “The Leech Method”.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, thoughts, etc, etc, etc.

And if you want a big discount on the normal MPW price, you can get one by going through the following link:

Multi Profit Websites Discount


The Worlds Scariest Footpath

December 30, 2009 by · 8 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

Nothing to do with Internet Marketing, or Christmas, or the New Year. But I stumbled upon what I think is a very cool Youtube video, so I thought I’d share it with you all. If any of you know of any scarier footpaths just let me know 😉

2009 – The Year In Review

December 14, 2009 by · 23 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

It’s December 14th, and I’ve decided that this is going to be my last blog post of 2009. I’ve got quite a lot of things to finish off before now and the end of the year, so I thought I’d get the blog post in early before I forget about it.

I’m afraid I’m going to do one of those corny “look back at the past year” posts, but I’ll try and sneak some useful information in there as well.

The year started off in January, and……okay, I don’t think this format is going to work. Can any of you actually remember what you did in January, because I don’t have a clue?!?

Instead of going month by month, and making things up. I’ll just write about everything that comes to mind, no matter what part of the year it happened in.

And the first thing I’m going to write about is the growth of D9 Hosting. I wont go into immense detail, but D9 Hosting was started back in 2007 by myself, and my business partner, Paula Brett. We started out with the intention of hosting a small number of our marketing friends and clients on a reseller hosting account, but since then things have snowballed.

2009 was certainly the year D9 Hosting came to the forefront, in previous years my main source of online income was from my other projects, and D9 Hosting was there as a nice little earner in the background. But in 2009 this changed, D9 Hosting has gone from a small 25 GB reseller account, to a multi server network (another server has just been added today!), responsible for hosting thousands of websites, for individuals and businesses all over the world.

In April of this year we formed D9 Solutions Ltd. which is the holding company for D9 Hosting, and other “secretive” D9 projects 😉

We are delighted that D9 has become a six figure business in 2009, and we couldn’t have done it without all of our clients. I know a lot of you reading this are customers, so I want to say a big, personal thank you, to each and every one of you for making it possible, we couldn’t have done it without you.

We look forward to working with you in 2010 and beyond!

So that’s D9 off the checklist, what next?

Next up, I’ll focus on some of the big launches that I worked on in 2009.

If memory serves me correctly, which it probably doesn’t, I think the first major launch I got on board with in 2009 was Resell Rights Fortune by Socrates Socratous.

This wasn’t just a product I was promoting as an affiliate, Socrates used my Boomerang List Builder software in the pre-launch. During the launch period you could get my BLB software for free, in return for an opt-in. So that clever piece of integration marketing grew my mailing list by thousands, and continues to get me new subscribers every day.

The actual launch was a big success, and I did quite well in the JV contest, winning plenty of prizes and bonus items.

The next big launch I covered was quite recent – Multi Profit Websites. (MPW)

This was created by John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson (who I met in person for the first time back in April), I first heard about MPW a couple of years ago, but since then it had morphed into the mother of all plug ‘n play websites, and it was finally ready to launch at the end of October.

The launch was one of the biggest I’ve ever seen, from memory I think it must have been the most successful launch I’ve been involved in as an affiliate from an earnings, and customer satisfaction point of view. I think a lot of my success with that one, and subsequent promotions, was due to the influx of subscribers I received from the Resell Rights Fortune pre-launch…thing.

I’d strongly urge any of you looking to build a mailing list to try something similar, it did wonders for me!

Come to think of it, I can’t actually remember any other “big” launches that I was involved in, that’s not to say there wasn’t any, just that I can’t remember them right now. Other products worth a mention include:

Internet Selling For Newbies
Guru Bypass
Auction Income Formula (Just released)

There were also some great little items from Aaron Danker that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of, sorry Aaron!

Apologies if I’ve missed anything off the list, but as you may have noticed. I have the memory of a goldfish….what happens if a goldfish suffers from short term memory loss?

Those (D9, affiliate marketing) were my 2 main sources of income for 2009. I did have my own product in the pipeline, and it still is, but D9 really has taken up almost all of my time over the past 12 months so my product has been put on the side for now, but one day, I’m sure it will be released….maybe 😉

Before I sign off for the year, I’m going to have a mini rant on something I’ve seen appearing more and more towards the end of this year – WordPress Spam Blogs!

For me as a web host, and a regular blog reader, I can’t stress how much these types of blogs get on my nerves, there are no redeeming factors for them!

The sort of “Spam blogs” I’m referring to are the “auto-content post” blogs. You can download/buy plugins that allow the blog owner to specify subjects that they’d like the posts to be on, how often they’d like new content posted, and they’ll then pull content from a number of other websites and stick it on the blog.

You can also get plugins that add posts based on the keywords visitors used when finding your blog. So if someone found my blog on Google by searching for “Dan Thompson’s magical circus of dancing bananas”, the script would automatically make a number of posts about Bananas – it’s pointless!

Not only is it pointless, but it puts a massive strain on the server load with all the crazy auto-posting going on, but that’s my problem, not yours, so I wont go into that aspect of them 🙂

Think of it as if you were the visitor, what would you do when you landed on a blog with content that you can clearly see is spam – you’ll leave. If you want people to visit, and most importantly, read the content on your site – give them good content! Don’t be lazy and rely on some script to post crap to your blog, you’re wasting your time, if you are really that bad at writing, hire a ghost writer.

End of rant 🙂

Also before I go, a special thanks to all the following people who’ve helped me, or worked with me in some way in 2009:

Paula Brett, John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson, Dan Sumner, Omar Martin, Dan Howard, Socrates Socratous, Aaron Danker, Pat Graham, Collete Jones, My Dog, Alex the designer, Bach the programmer, Elmer Hurlston, and many, many more!

I’d also like to say a big “No Thanks” to Natwest/Streamline who have been beyond useless in the past year, no Christmas gifts for them!

And i think that brings to an end my reflections on 2009, do feel free to share any of your own experiences/achievements/annoyances about things that have happened over the past year in the comments section!

And I wish each and every one of you, a very, very, happy festive season and new year, and I’ll back back in 2010!


A Simple Idea For A New Business

November 25, 2009 by · 26 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

A blog post!

I dare not look at the date on my last post, I know it’s been a long time but the truth is that I’m starting to find it incredibly difficult to find subjects to write about. If you look back over the archives, you’ll see that I’ve covered just about everything to do with marketing over the past 3 years.

But luckily I’ve stumbled across a new subject for a post, and i think it’s going to be a good one.

As with most of my ideas, I came across it entirely by accident.

A couple of years ago I was browsing the Internet, as you do, and I came across something that made me do a little vomit in my mouth, take a look:

Luckily I only had toast for breakfast

I’ve blurred out some of the information to protect the person that designed the site (I said SITE), but as you can see from the picture, it’s like we’ve gone back in time to 1997, there are primary colours, animated GIF’s, annoying Javascript plugins, and most importantly, the site looks a mess.

That’s just one example, I’m sure you’ll have come across many similar sites on your travels. Here’s another example that I stumbled across:

Solar Poworrrrrthat'sterribe

Not quite as bad as the first site, but still a very basic site, with pixelated images and general “cheap” feel to it.

So, what does all this have to do with Internet Marketing?

Quite a lot actually, I’m sure you all have your own sites, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that all of your sites will look better than those in my examples.

That’s because, in general, the vast majority of Internet Marketers know just how easy it is to create a site that oozes sex appeal in no time at all, I’ve got 1 word for you – WordPress!

A lot of you will be familiar with using WordPress as a blogging platform, but it can be even more lucrative if you take it “offline” and use it as a CMS (Content Management System).

This allows you to create a top quality website, that people with no web design knowledge will be able to operate, all you need to do is set up the site and host it for them.

Sound simple enough? – It Is!

Just imagine how pleased the client would be if you were able to transform their drab site into something that looks like this:

Rejoice, a professional looking site

So here it is, my business idea (it’s not a new idea, I’ve been doing this for ages!) laid out step by step:

1. Search on google for *name of service* *name of your town*, Eg:

Plumbers Halifax

2. Go through the results until you find a really bad website

3. Contact owner of bad website, either by phone, or go see them if they have a shop

4. Offer to create them a brand new website that they can update themselves, and will look the bees knees

5. Get a reseller hosting account

6. Set up a wordpress blog and use a professional theme (See StudioPress themes)

7. Present site to client and watch as his/her face beams with pride at the sterling job you’ve done for them

8. Collect a nice yearly payment for the site

That’s it, a nice simple business idea that anyone can do, and trust me, it works!

I use the above method all the time for local businesses, clubs, holiday cottages, village halls, community groups, the list is endless. It’s all about using the skills you’ve already attained from your time as a marketer, and then taking them offline.

With a simple tool like WordPress and a professional theme, you can blow the offline designers out of the water on both price and quality, and the clients will love you for it. They’ll then refer you to their friends and before you know if you’ll be the “go to guy” for web design in your area 🙂

And if anyone reading doesn’t like the technical side of things but has a few clients in mind, I’d be happy to work with you on a split commission basis, so you’d liaise with the customer and I’d do the design/hosting part – get in touch for details.

And that brings to an end the blog post, what do you think, have I managed to turn on that light bulb in your head or am I talking nonsense? As always leave a comment and let me know!


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