Watch Me Promote A New Product

November 26, 2008 by · 7 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

Hello everyone, and welcome to what is a fairly overdue blog post. Is it just me or does everything start to take twice as long in the run up to Christmas, tasks that should only take me a few hours are taking all day, and tasks that should only take a day are taking a week.

The cold weather doesn’t help either. I’m actually sat here typing this on the laptop whilst resting my icy feet on an electric heater, who says Internet Marketers have it easy!?

Anyway, enough about the cold, I’ll try do a David Blane and put it out of my mind whilst I concentrate on writing this post. I’ll pretend I’m on a beach in Dubai and the sun is shining down on me. (There’s probably a joke in there somewhere but this is a family friendly blog!)

So with my surf shorts twitching in the warm breeze, the sun reflecting off my shades, and with my luxury cocktail in one hand, here we go with todays post.

One thing all Internet Marketers need to be successful is traffic. Without traffic there will be no product sales, no adsense clicks and no newsletter sign ups.

###— Editor Note —###

The first part of this blog post was written yesterday. Everything under this note was written today, when I happen to have caught a bit of the man flu, so excuse any grammatical errors, I’m running on cough medicine and paracetamol’s!

###— Editor Note —###

There are loads of different methods you can use to generate traffic, someone I was speaking to last week said he could think of 121 different methods. Now I don’t know if I can top that, but I thought I would show you what I’m going to do to (hopefully) generate traffic to an affiliate product that is launching tomorrow.

It all started about 10 days ago when I was interviewed about a certain traffic method that I’ve already mentioned on this blog. The interview is to be included as part of a traffic course that shows you loads of different traffic generation methods.

The creator of the course emailed me a couple of days ago to see if I’d be interested in promoting the product for him. As I was a part of the course (the interview) and I had seen the content, I knew it was a good product so I agreed to promote.

I then thought about what I could do to promote it, after a bit of deliberation I’ve decided this is what I am going to do. So you can take a look in “real time” and see if what I’m doing is going to work!

Before we go on, I should just mention the product is going to launch tomorrow – Thursday 27th November.

Step 1

Date: 26th November
Action: Go to D9 Hosting and purchase a domain name that is similar to the product name.

Step 2

Date 26th November
Action: Create a video that shows people what they are going to get if they decide to purchase the product. The way I’m feeling today though, it’s likely to be a silent video!

Step 3

Date: 26th November
Action: Submit the video to Youtube, Google Video, and other similar video sharing networks.

###— Editor Note —###

The video will contain a link to the domain name I purchased in step 1

###— Editor Note —###

Step 3

Date: 27th November
Action: Send an email to my email lists, only send to the lists of people that have websites. (Is that you?)

Step 4

Date: 1st December (25 days until Christmas!)
Action: Send a reminder email to the people on my mailing lists that the price will go up by 30% on the 2nd December.

Step 5

Date: 2nd December onwards
Action: If the feedback is good, I’ll add the product to my autoresponder email series, and I’ll make sure my videos continue to get good exposure.

So there you have it, that’s my plan, do you think it will work?

I suppose only time will tell. If you are on my mailing list and have a website, keep an eye out for tomorrows email, you’ll then be able to see the product I’m promoting, and you might be able to see some of my other plans in action!

I’m going to sign off now, and see if I can bring myself to create the video.

Thanks for reading!

How To Sell & Publish Your Books On

November 20, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: How To Guides, My Offers 

It seems that one of life’s greatest mysteries is:

“How Do I Get My Own Book Published?”

Statistics show that the vast majority of people feel they have at least one book in them, but they have no idea how to find a publisher.

Thankfully since the dawn of the Internet things have become a lot easier. There are now services out there that will help you turn your own master-pieces into physical paperback, or hardback books that can be sold in the world’s biggest online market places including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Waterstones.

In dead simple terms, here is how you do it:

1. Write the book

The first step is to write your book. I find the easiest way is to open up your favorite word processor (Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer, etc.) and get typing! If you set yourself a target of so many pages/chapters each day, you’ll be surprised at how quickly things start to take shape.

2. Format the book

Add some pictures if you wish, insert a contents page and generally “jazz up”  the layout of your book. Make each chapter start on a new page, make the main headings bold and use a different font to make them stand out just that little bit more.

If you a stuck for ideas, just read some of your favorite books and take note of how they format everything.

3. Send  the book to your publisher

Yes, you already have a publisher waiting to accept your book, and you didn’t even have to leave the PC (or MAC, I’m all for equality!) screen.

At present your book is still in digital form, so it’s known as an eBook, or e-Book depending on how pedantic you want to be. But whichever way you spell it, you need to upload your eBook to the publisher. And that’s actually pretty much it, you can now sell your book online, and the publisher will print and ship the book for you, but now the best bit.

4. How to sell your book on Amazon & Other online book stores

All you need to be able to sell your book on Amazon is an ISBN number. Again, it’s dead simple – get your publisher to do it for you!

The publisher is able to give you all the help you need when it comes to getting an ISBN number for your book, as well as selling your creation on Amazon. They’ll even take care of the distribution side of things for you!

So in 4 easy steps, that’s how you sell your book on Amazon. It can actually be done in less than an hour assuming you’ve already written your book 🙂

Of course, I’ve shown you everything in it’s most basic form, there are of course a lot more questions that you’d need answers to before you can become the next JK Rowling, things like:

  • How to generate sales of your book
  • How to find the publisher
  • How to get the ISBN number
  • The formatting limitations for a hardback/paperback book
  • What size do your images have to be?
  • How to do you make a professional front and back cover for the book?
  • How do you break into the Amazon worldwide marketplace
  • Can you use PLR (Private Label Rights) material?
  • How to turn any existing eBook into a physical book
  • And so on…

If you are at all interested in publishing your own book, then I strongly recommend you check out “Ebook 2 Book”. All of the bullet points and steps that I mentioned above are covered in the guide, and it really will save you hours, if not days of research time!

Click Here To View Ebook 2 Book
A Step By Step Guide To Publishing Your Own Book/eBook On Amazon

I’m Now On Twitter

November 14, 2008 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

I’ve finally managed to stumble my way into the world of Web 2.0 and am now the proud owner of my very own Twitter page. So if you have an account and fancy following me…in a none-stalkerish kind of way then you can do so here:

You can also see my latest “Tweets” in the Twitter widget to the right of the page.

WordPress Videos With Master Resale Rights (MRR)

November 14, 2008 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: My Offers 

To follow on from my last post about running a successful blog, I’ve managed to source some high quality WordPress video tutorials that should help you with the technical side of things:

  • Themes
  • Plugins
  • Backing Up
  • Monetizing
  • Installing

And so on.

There is also an option to purchase the Master Resale Rights, so you can sell the videos and also pass on the resale rights to your customers. So if that’s your cup of tea you can check them out here:

Dan’s WordPress Videos With Master Resale Rights

There Are No Secrets To Running A Successful Blog

November 6, 2008 by · 6 Comments
Filed under: General Chat 

Greetings everyone, I hope we’ve all managed to get over the US election buzz and that things are starting to get back to a bit of normality. But on the subject of the election, did anyone else notice there was a massive drop off in promotional mails received on election day – I thought my email had stopped working until I realized what day it was!

Although if you cast your mind back to last week, I’d like to bet the vast majority of you received an email promoting a certain blogging eBook – blogging to the bank. (No affiliate link because I don’t recommend you buy the product!)

I’m sure that the author sold loads of copies, so well done to him, but it got me thinking. Are there really any “secrets” to creating a successful blog?

Now without wanting to sound too big headed, I’d say this blog was fairly successful. It averages around 200 hits each day, has a loyal following of regular readers (I know who you are!), and receives around 1,000 visitors each month from Google alone for various different keywords. Take a look at the screen shots below.

Now I didn’t achieve these results by using any sort of secret method, so here are my 3 main points to running a successful blog.

1. You Need Good Content

This is the most important aspect of ANY successful blog. You can install all of the fancy plugins you like, but they will all be worthless if your content is rubbish!

As an example, just take a look to your right and spend 10 minutes looking through the archive of this blog. You can see that I’ve been posting content on a regular basis for over 2 years now. This content has gradually built up over time and I now have a huge website full of valuable information that people want to read.

It’s also helped me to get a steady flow of search engine traffic to the blog, and to turn the new readers into regular subscribers. (Like you)

People won’t come to your blog if all they see are sales pitches thinly disguised as product reviews.

Writing good content not only brings you traffic, but it also allows you to throw in a few promotional posts every now and then. People don’t mind seeing promotional posts if you have given them something back in return. (The content)

2. Time

No blog is ever an overnight success, so don’t get disheartened if you have just started out and things don’t seem to be moving along. It takes time to build up a solid base of content and regular readers, but if you keep posting information people need to know, you will get there in the end!

One tip I would give you is not to make your very first blog posts “promo posts”. I wouldn’t post any sort of promotional pitch until you have made at least 10 informational posts. If a new visitor lands on your blog, and sees very little content and just a pitch for a product, the chances are they will go off your page and find another source for the information they are seeking.

3. Sort Out Your Links!

This is going to be the only “secret” that is technical in any shape or form.

If using WordPress, it’s important that you change your link structure from the default:


You can do this easily by:

1. Logging into your WordPress admin area

2. Click on “Settings”

3. Click on “Permalinks”

4. Select “Custom Structure” and enter “/%postname%/” (Without the quotes!)

This will give you search engine friendly URL’s and will increase your chance of getting some traffic from the search engines.

So there you have it, my top 3 secrets revealed. Now I know they are not very secret, but in all honesty they are the top 3 things that have worked for me over the past 2 years. Of course there are other things to consider such as the theme you are using, the number of commenter’s you can get, the adverts and so on, but they are not as important as the 3 points above.

If you only take 1 thing from todays blog post, then let it be point 1 – WRITE GOOD BLOG CONTENT!

Thanks for reading,

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