My Plans For 2008

Posted In: General Chat 

My Plans For 2008

Well, we are now almost into February and 1/12th of the year is already why exactly am I doing my plan for 2008 now?

I honestly don’t know!

I was meant to do this a couple of weeks ago but time just seems to be flying by and I haven’t had a moment to mark out my plans. I’ve got a free morning before I go out for my mums 50th birthday so here we go, do let me know what you think of the plans, feel free to tell me if you think my ideas are crap 😉

1. Make more “x” websites

This is something I have been planning to do for the past 3 months, but as with a lot of things recently time is a massive problem. I currently have one “x” site that makes me around $1,000 each month. This site isn’t anything to do with Internet Marketing, and it doesn’t involve me selling anything, it also doesn’t involve a mailing list. This “x” site is totally separate from my other online ventures.

So if I were to make ten “x” websites, then I would be able to follow the steps I have taken with the first “x” site, and make a good amount each month, from each site….More on this later.

2. Improve the Boomerang List Builder

Again, this is something I have been looking into for some time, but 2008 will (fingers crossed!) see a “Pro” version of the software released. I’ve had a lot of feature request from existing customers, a lot would fit easily into the existing software, but the other, more complex suggestions would need a lot of extra work…but they would be REALLY cool features! So keep your eyes open for a “Pro” version sometime in 2008.

3. Improve D9 Hosting

D9 Hosting was one of my (and Paula my business partner) biggest successes of 2007. We initially started off very small scale, only expecting a small trickle of customers. The uptake of accounts from you guys has been amazing and has surpassed our wildest expectations, so it is our goal to continue to improve our service to you. We have some plans for 2008 and they will be revealed to D9 customers in due course!

4. Continue To Write Blog Posts/Newsletters!

This blog is coming up to it’s 2nd birthday, despite time being very hard to come by these days I always try and put aside at least an hour a week to write helpful posts, and reply to your comments and questions. I am now putting it in you can slate me if I don’t deliver, but I will strive to make at least one post on this blog at least every two weeks!

5. Create/Launch New “Websites x” Product

This is continuing on from point one. Take a look at these screen shots below, these show my earnings from ONE “website x” (this is the project codename!) website that I currently run. I’m not showing you these to show off or for a big pat on the back, I’m showing you what you can achieve from one website, that generates less than 30 hits each day!

First of all we have a brief summary of my earnings:


Then here’s a shot of my hotmail account that shows my notifications of new sales (commissions), you’ll see that on average I’m getting around two sales per day from the one “website x”:

Click for full size

Now my first aim, and it’s for purely selfish reasons, is to create more of these “website x” sites, so that I can make more money, and generate more screen shots for my product that will be coming sometime in 2008.

I’ve decided to create a brand new, video course, showing you exactly how I create these “website x” sites, and I’ll show you, step-by-step what you need to do to get them online and how to generate traffic too them. I am also planning to record myself making one of these sites from scratch and including that in the package.

So there we have it, my plans for 2008. Apologies if it sounded it a bit rushed, that’s because….well, it was! But I’ve finished by 11.30am so now I can get ready and go out for lunch.

Do let me know any comments or questions, I’ll be checking them out when I get back, and why not let us in on your plans for 2008, what are you going to be doing?


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11 Responses to “My Plans For 2008”
  1. Hi, Dan

    My, you are going to be one very busy squirrel with your itinerary of things to do. But as ever i am sure you will manage to do just that.

    I will certainly be looking forward to the new video course on creating “website x”. My reason for that is very selfish indeed as i have now been trying to get a profitable venture off the ground and not made a dint of more that a few dollars throughout a year of doing so. I keep thinking of giving up, but then say to my self give it a little longer. I do have a little income, so when the videos course is ready, i may have enough saved for it. I know that it will be a class course as all the things that i have purchased and seen by you are not put together haphazardly.

    I have not actually used boomerang LB yet, being busy with way too much other stuff and my health problems. I do however look forward to a pro version and will no doubt get it.

    I like getting the blog and newsletter updates and realize that finding time for updates can sometimes be difficult as something will nearly always crop up…

    I am extremely pleased with your D9 hosting service and look forward to whatever you implement, but i cannot see how you can improve on something that i think is top a top notch service…

    Get those other website x’s up and get that extra money coming in mate.

    I look forward to seeing the results of it all…


  2. Anne says:

    HI Dan,

    Great newsletter, look forward to all the stuff your going to reveal in 08 and I have no doubt it will be a winner, because you always go above and beyond with what you offer, and as a customer of your D9 web hosting all i can say is I would give straight A’s all the way, the service is second to none and you and Paula have done a brill job;-).

    So keep up the good work and I look forward to your next venture;-)


  3. Hi,
    Firstly, I never make plans. LOL
    None of them will ever come to fruition.

    Secondly, and more importantly. I don’t use the Boomerang thing because a friend of mine told me she uses it and really it’s just a way to send out unsolicited emails to people that are NOT signed up to her list.

    Isn’t this called “spam”. I’d like to know because, if it does turn out to be legal, I would use it.


  4. Randy Smith says:

    Hi Dan,

    Crikey – people are saying nice things about you aren’t they…. hehe

    Damm – I can’t actually think of anything sarcastic or unpleasant to say about you….!

    Oh well never mind – I’m sure I’ll think of something eventually 🙂

    As for webite x — Brilliant mate… great marketing strategy… get everyone curious and wanting to know more…. build some buzz …. gradually release more info etc….
    But to be frank – You are a genuine guy – so if you just said “Here’s a product I’ve created that shows me building a site that brings in $100) a month!” — We’d all be very interested in seeing it 🙂
    (and provided it’s not a 28hour a day task to run or requires a phd in techy ability – I’m sure many would love to get some built)

    To Answer Grumpy … (you do get around these days don’t you Chef 😉
    And I see another year passing hasn’t changed your outlook on life…. LOL)

    With BLB – it gets people to subscribe to your list, and build it for you …. therefore they double optin to receive your messages, and hence – it’s not spam.
    I have no idea how your friend uses it to send out unsolicited emails???
    I can only assume either she is mixed up with some other software — or she couldn’t be bothered (or doesn’t understand) explaining how it works properly..

    Do take a look at Dan’s site, I’m sure he’ll post a link to some videos to clarify it for you.

    Looking forward to hearing more about ‘x’ – and then I’ll say nasty things about you for not telling us sooner 😉

    Warm Regards

  5. Edson says:

    Sup Dan’

    you done it again man, I know I’m curious to see what project x is going to be. I dont know if I can take anymore secrets after seeing the new cloverfield movie but I know this is going to be way better.

    Dan, how long before we know a little more about “X”?


  6. Dan (el_passo) says:

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Glad you like the sound of “x”, I can’t put a date or anything for release, simply because I haven’t created it yet, and to be purely selfish I want to get some more of my own “x” sites up and running before I do it 🙂

    @ Grumpy Chef

    The software doesn’t collect email addresses. The software wraps products, and then directs the user to an existing opt-in page, that is created using your current auto-responder/mailing list software such as Aweber, GetResponse etc.

    So I’m not sure what your friend is using, but it is definatly not the BLB software, there is no function within it that can make it send out emails, or store the data of users that unlock items that have been wrapped using it.

  7. Carol Smith says:

    Thanks for something to look forward to in 2008. You forgot to put on your “busy” schedule the time you spend being a moderator. You are always there for great advice.

    Plans for 2008:

    Promote, promote, promote. Launching my parenting book was very difficult since I started with zero tech or IM knowledge in Oct. However, it is “live” now. My next task is drive traffic.

    Helping with a “therapy” blog launch.

    Working on a couple of other ideas (more to come later) — one in IM and one in niche markets. Is this fun yet? Really learning has been fun. I know that when I am able to do some “teaching” I will really be in my element.

    A successful 2008 to everyone.

  8. Alex says:

    Website X sounds pretty cool. I have a couple of websites that don’t get many hits and don’t make much money, so I may have to check that out.

    In 2008 I plan to make some new websites as well, and hopefully improve the ones I already have. For anyone wondering I currently have 2 sites. The first is my “home” page and includes links to all my sites and stores, plus some other great links and a search box. It actually makes a really great “home page” for your computer (by that I mean you can set it to come up when you launch your browser) because you can link to almost anything from

    I also have been working on a new site: This is pretty new still but there is a free sign up which will give you 5 free ebooks about travel (with resale), a free report, and weekly emails with FREE content… Okay I know this is starting to sound like an ad right now so I’ll stop… I’m just excited that someone asked ME about my plans for 2008 instead of just telling me theirs.

    Anyway, thanks and keep me posted on your new products as well!

  9. Hi Dan
    Better late than never, as they say. 🙂

    You should get back to having fun with doing your online business because when you write that “I will strive to make at least one post on this blog at least every two weeks” you seem to indicate it would be burdensome to do so.

    You will never achieve the full potential of your otherwise nice blog with such a mindset, and don’t get me wrong, but you MUST take this to heart if you’re going to enjoy the time you spend in front of your computer.

    Becoming self-employed if one isn’t doing what one truly likes to do is just as much slavery as would be a nine-to-five job doing something you equally dislike.

    Bear that in mind, and 2008 could become the beginning of MANY good years ahead of you. 🙂

    Sincere regards

    Henrik Blunck
    Earning Money Online Blog

  10. Dan (el_passo) says:

    Thanks for the comments everyone!

    @ Henrik, it’s not that I don’t enjoy writing the newsletters, it’s just that I don’t have a lot of spare time to write them in.

    I work full time online, doing things that I enjoy – creating websites, technical support, posting on forums, creating products. Unfortunately there is only so much you can do in a day 🙂

  11. Richard says:

    Hey Dan,

    great post. I’d love to hear about the ‘X Website’ business you’ve got going on as I’m sure would most of your readers.

    Get to it, chop, chop lol 🙂
